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1 University Lecturer - Education Department, Shiraz Azad University - Sama

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Islamic Azad University of Fasa


The study of the relationship between wisdom and the Shari'a has always been the concern of philosophers, and in our time it is more important to address it, because the world today is in dire need of spirituality and adherence to the Shari'a, a Shari'a based on reason and reasoning. On the other hand, if truth is the end of the law, what are the ways to attain knowledge that will lead man to the truth? This also has many ambiguities and different opinions have been expressed about it.
In this article, with an analytical and descriptive method, we seek to explain that wisdom is beyond philosophy and wisdom is a philosophy manifested in the soul, spirit, action and practice of man and the result of a kind of revelation and intuition and beyond theoretical and discussion issues. It is mere. Among Muslim thinkers, we have chosen the views of the same judges of Hamedani, the sage and mystic of the fifth century AH, which according to some, is a combination of practical and theoretical wisdom. Among the ways of sense, experience and intellect, he proposes another way as "beyond reason" and considers true and root cognition only through achieving the highest cognition, that is, beyond reason.
Shari'a is the criterion of the correctness of any knowledge and in explaining the principles of epistemology, one should use discovery and use wisdom as an epistemological tool in understanding the divine verses and in understanding the principles of ontology.


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