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Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran



Man has always tried to achieve new scientific findings in order to know more about the world around him to the extent that there is a direct relationship between scientific progress and change in lifestyle and human beings enjoy the phenomena of the universe. In the meantime, understanding the essence, the end and ultimate of science in its specific meaning, that is, empirical knowledge, has long been a great question for thinkers. Accordingly, some consider the infinity of science and some other believe in the full maturity of science. Each of the the Three linear, rotational, and hierarchical theories have believers who have explained the evolution and end of science from their own point of view, however,Qur'anic logic-based knowledge suggest a different manifestation of the end of science and the long horizon of the border of science production. It seems that scrutiny in the semantic field of the verses of conquest in the Holy Quran is a great tool to obtain a solid Quranic theory which is different from the common theories of the evolution of common scientific knowledge in the world. From the Quranic point, human being has the capacity and potentiality to achieve whatever exists in the skies and the earth, so the end point of human science is the realization of that potential power.


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